Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Lukey Has Two Mommies

Cathy's invited me on a full moon walk Thursday night.
"Is it OK if I bring Heather [Mac Donald]?"
"You can bring whoever you like, but if you bring Heather we'll probably just talk with each other and ignore you so think carefully about that one!"
"There's nothing Heather likes more than dreamy walks under moonlight."
Chaim Amalek writes, chastising with his every keystroke:
When are you going to stop this crypto-heterosexual man pretending to be a gay man pretending to be straight and get serious about finding a mate? The other evening I channel surfed past a documentary about the girl for you. She is in her mid thirties, is still unusually attractive, and would have no problem dealing with your past if you could find it in your heart to deal with hers. (Up front Luke, neither of you is a virgin.) And she has a Jewish father, too. Perhaps you could be the one to lead her to the chupah, and fulfill both your dreams. Her name, I believe, is Traci Lords.