Sunday, June 27, 2004

Cast Aside Old Friends?

Amalek writes: A man, a man whom you know who is into all things Asian, has written to me expressing the fear that just as Bob Zimmerman cast aside all his old chums when he became Bob Dylan and suddenly found he could nail hot shiksas, so too will Luke Ford cast aside his old virtual friends in favor of such new ones as Cathy Seipp, with whom he can actually do things like share a meal or go to a party. I tried to console him that you would not do this as your fame and wealth grew, but I'm having second thoughts.

Chaim writes: I remember just how feeble my social pulse was pre-Cathy, and how strong it is today, baruch HaShem. So although I must cast off some of my old life, I do so with pride for what I have worked towards. Those of you who were like the Old Luke, I suggest you follow in my footsteps.