Joe writes: "Luke, Thank you for sharing your life with the world. I have read the majority of your website and have learned much through your experiences. I work in Hawaii as a marine biologist and spent as much as 300 days per year at sea. In my free time I have learned biblical Hebrew and have taken an interest in Judaism. I enjoy listening to Prager, Aish audio (48 ways, Rabbi Spiro, Rabbi Kahn). Luke if you found yourself stranded on an island what books, audio tapes, dvds would you like to have with you (Artscroll Chumash, Artscroll siddur, Rabbi Noah Weinberg etc). In other words I'm asking you what you think the best of the best is in Jewish learning."
Luke says: I think Prager is best, along with the Lapin brothers, Beryl Wein and, Mordecai Finley and the books of Louis Jacobs and Eliezer Berkovits.