Tuesday, June 29, 2004

It Pains Me...

Chaim Amalek writes: It pains me to say this, but ever since you switched to the new format, I've been having second thoughts about it. Simply put, you look like every other blogger out there, and there are a hell of a lot of other bloggers out there. What makes yours one of the handful out of the four million or so that is worth reading? You keep going to the same topics, over and over again - Judaism, crypto----- from your past, women from your past. (Speaking of which, how goes
that front? Do you have any real prospects lined up?) You need to "freshen up" your look, your brand, strike out into new directions and get more mainstream media attention. Jewish journalism may well be a good topic for your next book, but the market for that has got to
be vanishingly small. (Now, "The Journalism of the Jews" would be lots more electric, but you are too invested in things out there to attempt this.)

I know that there are established people out there who blog on the side, but do any people who come at this as unknowns actually make it as something that pays decent money? (Drudge doesn't count, as he isn't a blogger.)

Bottom line is you need to add to your shtick somehow.