Monday, August 02, 2004

Should I Return to Man-Whoring?

In the words of Chaim Amalk, yes. My life as a writer has thus far been a failure, as an increasingly illiterate, foreign-born population refuses to buy my books. Sure, it has brought me invitations to hang out with my betters, but you know what? Hanging out with people who are better than you, all the time, can get really depressing. Sometimes it is better to hang out with one's inferiors, which may be why I get invited to so many blogger/writer events these days. But I wasn't always bottom man.

Ten years ago, on my first (and thus far only) sojurn to New York City, I was the kept man of an Upper West Side woman who lured me to New York with the promise of a fun time, all expenses paid. As it turned out, she took advantage of the situation, reducing me to the status of man-whore, a job that it turned out I was very good at. No bottom man I then. I was somebody, a force to be reckoned with, a man with all sorts of prospects. Oh how I have fallen since then.

So what should I do, dear readers, what should I do?