Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Dance With Them That Brung You

Khunrum writes: All that cash to publicize the Sid Bernsteins of this world? Luke, soon The Hovel will be so cluttered with your unsold books that you will be sleeping on the lawn. I beg you. Stop Publishing NOW.

Chaim Amalek writes: I have respectfully counseled Mister Ford that he ought now return to his roots, and pen a book of interviews that describe the career arcs of some of the many interesting characters in the ---- trade: how they got into the business, what happened to them once they got in, and how they plan on getting out (or what happened to them once they got out). He could easily get interviews with most of the key "talent", the producers, the distributors, but mostly the "talent."
This is something that he could turn out in short order, and SELL. For that sort of a book there would be a market, and he'd get a real publisher, the kind that throws parties and promotes books on MTV and Spike and pays its writers money.

Not so for a book on Jewish journalism. No market for such a book at all. Sad, really. Remember, we are talking about a 38 year old man, not a confused 21 year old.