Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Those Who Are Not With Me On This Are Against Me

Thus far "Rabbi Gadol" (oh long have I wished to be called that) has not received any suitable responses to my quest for a life-mate. But I am not discouraged; it is still early in the game, and for me the game has been going on for a very long time. I am patient.

Still, I am disappointed in the response of those few close friends of mine who have chosen to respond - journalist Mike Alb0 and a woman friend of mine whom I often squire about town. Would it be rude of me to note that neither of these generators of negativity has a mate? Why is it that singletons are so hostile to the idea of harnessing the power of the internet to achieve happiness in life? Does it cost them anything that I might be happy? Rest assured, dear friends, that no matter how wonderful the woman out there whom I meet and fall in love with thanks to this effort, I will still make time for all of you. That means I will still go to free parties sponsored by the LA Press Club, and that I will always be free to pal around East Los Angeles with Mike Alb0. But please guys, instead of mocking my efforts, how about instead supplementing them with efforts of your own?

PS Yeah, I have been told that the blogger thing does not work for me, and that I should ditch protocols (on the theory that it is stretching me too thin), but there is a reason I dismissed such talk out of hand
when I first heard it. It came from someone my rabbis have always warned me against. But maybe he was right after all. Because you know, Chaim is always right.