Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Is it time for me to go Asian?

Lots of my close white friends who (like me) have struck out with white women have found happiness by going Asian. It seems that Asian women regard white guys as something of a catch, and are willing to overlook such imperfections as an unimpressive vehicle and a small apartment. They think that they are trading up by snagging one of us. True, most Asiatics are not Jewish, but to my thinking, many Asians are fully compatible with Jews, and some are worthy of being converted to the Jewish race. Moreover, there are lots of Asians here in LA, and lots more over in Asia too. Should I go for some yellow cake? Is it time for Luke to Go Asian?

Anonymous writes: "Luke: I strongly recommend going Asian. After three white wives, I finally was the grand prize winner at Matrimonial Wheel of Fortune. Asian women: (1) have very strong family values; (2) are very good at managing money; (3) are very, very honest; (4) tend to be quiet when angry (you can get used to that); (5) do not have the cellulite gene; (5) are enthusiastic intimate partners; (6) have high moral standards; (7) pay close attention to personal appearance and hygiene; (8) are very good parents; (9) believe they have to duty to be a good daughter in law. (I name but a few examples)."

Is going yellow a sin? If it is wrong, then I don't want to be right.