Sunday, July 18, 2004

Music that I Like

I seldom discuss popular culture on this site. It isn't that things like music mean nothing to me, rather, they mean so much to me that I fear revealing too much of myself by sharing with you my personal musical treasures. Well, I now know that you have to be open with others if you want them to be open with you, so today I'm going to share with you the lyrics to one of my favorite songs by Freddie Blassie "Pencil Neck Geek"
Upon reviewing these lyrics, my alte-ego, Chaim Amalek, decided that they were inappropriate for this site and its stated purpose of healing the world, and asked that I remove them, and I have. Still, if there is interest, I may reconsider.
Instead let me just say that you cannot go wrong with the music of Debbie Friedman.

I also enjoy the music of the Beatles, Barbara Streisand, and Al Jolson.