Friday, July 16, 2004

Forward Fires Steven I. Weiss

Jewry's greatest Judaic blogger, Steven I. Weiss, has been fired from the Forward. My understanding from communicating with those at the paper is that they gave up converting him from a blogger into a journalist.
A blogger friend says: "It was inevitable.  He was biting the hand that was feeding him, in a sense refusing to be a reporter and insisting on the primacy of the blogosphere. It's the best thing that's ever happened to him. Now he can really do some good work. Wish him a mazal tov from me."

This excerpt from Weiss's blog earlier in the week:
AriGoesDown: i suppose i can call my friend sam norich and chat with him
AriGoesDown: can't wait
AriGoesDown: tootles
Steven responds: Threatening to complain to the publisher of the Forward because I won't respond to demands that I consider an impingement on long-standing ethical practice will not receive a response.
I don't respond to threats.