Sunday, July 18, 2004

The Forward coulda been a contenda!

Let's face it -- the editorials are consistently the worst part of the Forward each week. Remember that howler about the Forward telling Roman Catholics how they should operate their religion with respect to abortion and to not giving communion to Catholics such as John Kerry who publicly oppose the teachings of the Church?

Why does the Forward run a front page story each week critical of the Bush administration when it has nothing to do with the Jewish community?

Original reporting makes the Forward great. Predictable liberal editorializing makes it suck.

Under editor JJ Goldberg and national editor Ami Eden, much of the paper each week reads like it is being made safe for their liberal friends and board.

Rebecca Schoenkopf writes: Luke, you don't know jack about Catholicism, so you shouldn't be smacking the Forward for its "howler."
In fact, under Vatican II, Catholics are supposed to follow their conscience--and if John Kerry's conscience tells him to vote for abortion rights, so be it.
I am in fact pro-life, but there's no way I'm going to find a politician to vote for who follows ALL the teachings of the Church . . . i.e., pro-life, antiwar, and AGAINST the death penalty. For bishops to pick and choose which politicians to deny their rites is horrid, and if they didn't deny Communion to Pinochet, they shouldn't be denying it to Kerry. Even 77 percent of pro-life Catholics agree with that.