Monday, March 28, 2011

Why Obamacare Is Bad For America


Monday, March 28, 2011 Radio Show
20110328 -01 Riots in London
Prager H1: There were protests, complete with riots, in London. What were they protesting so passionately? Budget cuts. When you give people things, it’s very tough to take them away… The Green Party in Germany made big gains in Germany over the weekend. The Greens are left of the Left. The issue is nuclear power. Germany has been scared out of its wits by what happened in Japan… Dennis talks to Gwyneth Cravens, former editor of Harper's Magazine and New Yorker Magazine about the latest from Japan’s nuclear power crisis. Her important book is Power to Save the World: The Truth about Nuclear Energy

Monday, March 28, 2011 Radio Show
20110328 – 02 Locked in a Closet
Prager H2: VP Biden’ staff locked a reporter in a closet. This is being treated as a big joke. Think it would have been a big joke if it had been Dick Cheney’s staff?… Dennis talks to Michael Young, opinion page editor of the Daily Star, English language paper in Beirut, Lebanon, about the protests in Syria… Dennis talks to Michael Oren, Ambassador of Israel to the US, about the consequences to Israel of the upheavals in Syria, Egypt and Libya.

Monday, March 28, 2011 Radio Show
20110328 – 03 Thinking Transgender
Prager H3: The Maryland legislature is on the verge of passing a bill that will allow the transgendered to come to work in a dress… Dennis returns to the topic of the London riots this weekend over budget cuts… Dennis talks to Grace Turner, President of the Galen Institute. Her new book is Why ObamaCare is Wrong for America: How the New Health Care Law Drives Up Costs, Puts Government in Charge of Your Decisions, and Threatens Your Constitutional Rights.

Why ObamaCare is Wrong for America

Dennis talks to Grace-Marie Turner, the president of the Galen Institute. Her new book is Why ObamaCare is Wrong for America: How the New Health Care Law Drives Up Costs, Puts Government in Charge of Your Decisions, and Threatens Your Constitutional Rights.

Cautionary Tale: This Is What Happens When People Come to Depend on Government

Massive protests and riots in London protesting spending cuts. The rioters broke into department stores. The police asked them politely to leave. Mark Steyn saw it all.

Dennis Going to Israel. Join Him!

Al Qaeda Inserts Itself into Libya Conflict

On the side of the rebels. If this is true, that they are stealing weapons such as surface to air missiles (did we provide them?), then it’s the scariest story of the year.

Michael Young from Beirut: What's Going on in Syria talks to Michael Young, opinion page editor of the Daily Star, English language paper in Beirut, Lebanon, and contributing editor to Reason Magazine. His latest book is The Ghosts of Martyrs Square: An Eyewitness Account of Lebanon's Life Struggle

Power to Save the World speaks again to Gwyneth Cravens, former editor of Harper's Magazine and New Yorker Magazine. Her book is Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy. Now out in paperback.

Freedom-Loving Facebook/Twitter Revolutionaries Muscled Out by Muslim Brotherhood

That didn’t take long. What do you say now, Mr. Friedman?

The Never Ending Battle: Wisconsin

The Left never stops. We can’t.

Frank Luntz on Winning through Good Communication

Dennis talks to Frank Luntz, renown pollster and Fox News analyst. His new book is Win: The Key Principles to Take Your Business from Ordinary to Extraordinary.

Cats Kill 250 Million Birds a Year

That’s a lot of birds. And who counts the bodies?

Royal: How Religion Built the West

Dennis talks to Robert Royal, president of the Faith & Reason Institute in Washington, D.C. His new book is The God That Did Not Fail: How Religion Built and Sustains the West.

Corn Is the New DDT

People are starving today so that do-gooding liberals can save the world from computer-model-projected overheating a hundred years from now.

FLASHBACK: The Delta Smelt Obsession Starves CA Farmers and Workers

The famous Delta Smelt, a preoccupation of environmentalists, has caused California farmers millions of the dollars and farmer workers thousands of jobs. The farmers can't get the water they need because the Delta Smelt has been declared an endangered species.

Melanie Phillips Investigated for Calling Palestinian Infant Murderers “Savages”

Melanie Phillips states the obvious and is investigated for it. This is Orwellian. What a sad place the UK has become.