Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dennis Prager's Radio Show Highlights


Thursday, March 17, 2011 Radio Show
20110317 – 01 Shame
Prager H1: Have we been getting the best information from Japanese government regarding their endangered nuke plant? US officials suggest that we haven’t… Is there such a thing as ‘internationalism” or is there just the US intervening where and when it feels necessary? Do want to wait for the UN to give us permission to enter conflicts?

Thursday, March 17, 2011 Radio Show
20110317 – 02 Cool It
Prager H2: Dennis talks to James Mahaffey, former senior research scientist at the Georgia Tech Research Institute about the situation at Japan’s endangered nuclear plant… There has rightly been a great deal of attention placed on the potential nuclear disaster, something which may or may not happen, but let’s not forget about the real disaster – the death and suffering of thousands of people.

Thursday, March 17, 2011 Radio Show
20110317 – 03 Wash and Dry
Prager H3: The Left has even ruined our washing machines… Obama’s high speed rail schemes would be laughable if it didn’t cost billions of taxpayer money…

Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Radio Show
20110316 – 01 Japan Disaster
Prager H1: Dennis talks to Ron Ballinger, Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering, MIT about the crisis in Japan… The Surgeon General urges West Coast citizens to take all precautions against a radioactive cloud traveling from Japan to California. Seriously.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Radio Show
20110316 – 02 Male/Female Hour: Fondling in the Kitchen
Prager H2: Dennis explores a touchy subject – literally. If a husband approaches his wife in the kitchen while she’s cooking or doing dishes and playfully grabs her, is that a good thing? Or not?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Radio Show
20110316 – 03 Should We Bomb Libya?
Prager H3: It may already be too late. The President of the United States can't demand that a foreign tyrant must go and then do nothing about it. And here's another disturbing question: will Kaddafi return to his old and deadly anti-American tricks… Vogue Magazine writes a puff piece lauding the first lady of Syria, one of the most tyrannical regimes on earth.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Radio Show
20110315 – 01 North Dakota, New Eden
Prager H1: Joel Kotkin writes about the prosperity in North Dakota, unlike that of almost any other state, and the reasons why.... Bill Maher insults the Koran and pays no price. Why? Because he’s on the Left... Dennis talks to Frank Luntz, renown pollster and Fox News analyst. His new book is Win: The Key Principles to Take Your Business from Ordinary to Extraordinary.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Radio Show
20110315 - 02 Japan Update
Prager H2: Dennis talks to two experts to get an update on the latest risks posed by the tsunami-damage nuclear plant in Japan. James Mahaffey senior research scientist at the Georgia Tech Research Institute and Jack Spencer, nuclear energy expert at the Heritage Foundation.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Radio Show
20110315 - 03 Ultimate Issues Hour: Capital Punishment
Prager H3: Capital punishment is the only law repeated in all five books of the Moses, the Torah. That’s how central it is to the Bible. It begins with Genesis 9:6. This is the seventh installment in Dennis’s Bible series.

Monday, March 14, 2011 Radio Show
20110314 – 01 Disaster Japan
Prager H1: The earthquake on Friday in Japan is a tragedy of historic proportions on many levels... Dennis talks to William Tucker, author of Terrestrial Energy: How Nuclear Energy Will Lead the Green Revolution and End America's Energy Odyssey about the situation at Japan's damaged nuclear power plant. This is an old style nuke plant and it appears to have held under the worst possible conditions. Of course, the NY Times raises the worst case scenario as if it's imminent… A family – mother, father, two young children and a six-month-old infant -- was slaughtered in Israel, brutally stabbed to death by Palestinian terrorists. There is a tsunami of Jew-hatred in the Arab world…

Monday, March 14, 2011 Radio Show
20110314 – 02 Meltdown
Prager H2: The real meltdown regarding Japan’s nuclear plants is in the media. Dennis talks to Jack Spencer, energy expert for the Heritage Foundation, about the danger presented by a possible meltdown… Congressman Keith Ellison broke down in tears at the Peter King hearings last week as he told the story of a maligned Muslim who turned out to be a 9/11 hero. But was his reporting of the story accurate? One should draw exactly the opposite lesson from this story that Ellison does, i.e., America quickly self corrects and celebrates its heroes, no matter what their religion or background. But to do that would be to contradict the Left’s vision, Ellison's vision of this country.

Monday, March 14, 2011 Radio Show
20110314 – 03 Debt Supercycle
Prager H3: Dennis talks to John Mauldin, renowned financial expert and analyst. His free weekly e-newsletter, Thoughts from the Frontline, has over a million subscribers. His new book, already a best seller, is Endgame: The End of the Debt SuperCycle and How It Changes Everything… Dennis talks to Greg Beroza, Professor of Geophysics at Stanford about the geological repercussions of the Japan earthquake.

Friday, March 11, 2011 Radio Show
20110311 – 01 Eight Point Nine
Prager H1: A monster 8.9 earthquake hit northern Japan last night. Hundreds, maybe thousands have been killed as a massive tsunami swept into coastal cities… Dennis talks to John Vidale, Director of Pacific Northwest Seismic Network about what 8.9 quake means and what the risks are to the US… Governor Scott Walker won the battle in Wisconsin, but can Republicans win the war to curb public service unions?... Congressional hearings on domestic terror threat posed by radicalized Muslims lasted all of one day, but one day was enough to throws Democrats into a “McCarthy” accusing hysteria. Why?

Friday, March 11, 2011 Radio Show
20110311 – 02 Happiness Hour: Friends
Prager H2: Dennis revisits the issue of the importance of friends to happiness. Ideally, your best friend is your spouse, but we need same sex friends outside of marriage, too. Are you afraid to open up to friends? If so, why?

McCardle: Obama's Absurd High Speed Rail Plans

It’s worse than you think. Megan McArdle of Atlantic explains. It would be laughable, if it didn't cost billions of taxpayer money.

The Left Ruins (Almost) Everything

You can't buy a good, inexpensive washing machine anymore. Who should you thank: the Left.

Henninger: There’s No Such Thing as Internationalism

There’s only the US leading or not leading. For Obama, it’s the latter ($). Meanwhile, the while the UN talks, Kaddafi kills.

Max Boot: Bomb Kaddafi

It may already be too late. The President of the United States can't demand that a foreign tyrant must go and then do nothing about it. And here's another disturbing question: will Kaddafi return to his old and deadly anti-American tricks.

US Surgeon General: Get Iodide, Americans!

Where do they find these people?

Dennis in Houston on Thursday, April 28

Dennis will be in Houston on Thursday, April 28 for the The Jewish Federation of Greater Houston’s annual Maimonides Society dinner. For more information, click here.

Dennis in Costa Mesa on Thursday, April 14

Dennis will be in Costa Mesa on Thursday, April 14 at the ninth annual Orange Catholic Foundation's Conference on Business & Ethics. The conference begins at 7:30am and will be held at The Hilton Orange County. For more information and to purchase tickets, click here.

Dennis in Orangevale, CA on Monday, April 4

Dennis will be speaking on Monday, April 4 at the Temple Or Rishon in Orangevale, CA. For more information and to purchase tickets, click here.

Dennis in Palos Verdes, CA, Sunday, April 3

Dennis will be in Palos Verdes, CA on April 3 for David Horowitz's Freedom Center West Coast Retreat, held at the Terranea Resort. For more information and to register, click here.

Dennis In Glendale, CA on Thursday, March 24

Dennis will be at the Glendale Hilton on Thursday, March 24 for the 2011 KRLA Wealth Summit. For more information and to purchase tickets, click here.

Frank Luntz on Winning through Good Communication

Dennis talks to Frank Luntz, renown pollster and Fox News analyst. His new book is Win: The Key Principles to Take Your Business from Ordinary to Extraordinary.

John Mauldin on Debt Supercycle

Dennis talks to John Mauldin, renowned financial expert and analyst. His free weekly e-newsletter, Thoughts From The Frontline, has over a million subscribers. His new book, already a best seller, is Endgame: The End of the Debt SuperCycle and How It Changes Everything.

Congressman Ellison and His Tears

Congressman Keith Ellison broke down in tears at the Peter King hearings last week as he told the story of a maligned Muslim who turned out to be a 9/11 hero. But was his reporting of the story accurate? One should draw exactly the opposite lesson from this story that Ellison does, i.e., America quickly self corrects and celebrates its heroes, no matter what their religion or background. But to do that would be to contradict the Left’s vision, Ellison's vision of this country.

William Tucker: Meltdown Is Bad, Not Human Disaster

Dennis talks to William Tucker, author of Terrestrial Energy: How Nuclear Energy Will Lead the Green Revolution and End America's Energy Odyssey about the situation at Japan's nuclear plant. This is an old style nuke plant and it appears to have held under the worst possible conditions. Of course, the NY Times raises the worst case scenario as if it's imminent.

Dennis on "Hannity", Thursday, April 7

Dennis will appear on Fox News Channel's "Hannity" on Thursday, April 7.