Monday, March 28, 2011

Immigration News

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[FYI --

1. Options to Inhibit Sanctuary Policies in Maryland (Testimony)
2. Big Moment in Telemundo's Census Coverage (Blog)
3. Immigrant Politics Harmful to the Republic's Health (Blog)
4. As Mexicans Flee Violence, Many Come to the U.S. (Blog)
5. The Birth Tourism Industry Continues to Grow (Blog)
6. 80 Miles North of the Arizona Border, The Drugs Keep Coming (Blog)
7. Immigration Court Overload (Blog)
8. All in the Family (Blog)
9. It's The Metrics, Stupid! (Blog)
10. A Cloud No Larger than a Man's Hand at the Southern Border (Blog)
11. From the Halls of Montezuma (Blog)
12. Wonderland on the Mississippi (Blog)
13. As Obama Arrives, a Report on El Salvador (Blog)
14. E-Verify Yourself (Blog)
15. 'You Can't Tell the Players Without a Scorecard!' (Blog)
16. Sheriff Joe: Job Creator (Blog)

-- Mark Krikorian]

Options to Inhibit Sanctuary Policies in Maryland
Statement by Jessica Vaughan
Written Testimony for the Maryland House of Delegates, March 21, 2011

Excerpt: Chair and members of the Rules Committee, thank you for the opportunity to submit testimony on House Joint Resolution 10, regarding the significant public interest in the enforcement of immigration laws and the need for state action to discourage sanctuary policies that impede immigration law enforcement in Maryland.

For several years I have advised state and local lawmakers on immigration law enforcement issues and how to reduce illegal settlement. This resolution is a responsible and comprehensive approach and, based on what I have observed in jurisdictions that have implemented similar initiatives, the recommended actions will be effective without overreaching the state’s authority or leading to discrimination against immigrants. It is a balanced approach that focuses appropriately on criminal aliens, preventing illegal employment and preventing illegal aliens from accessing certain publicly funded services.

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Big Moment in Telemundo's Census Coverage
By Jerry Kammer
CIS Blog, March 28, 2011

Excerpt: There was a remarkable moment during Friday's Telemundo evening newscast. It came in a story that anchor Jose Diaz-Balart billed as revealing 'the dark side of Hispanic growth' and showing why 'many fear that the anti-immigrant climate will grow.'

The story was prompted by the new report from the Census Bureau that the Hispanic population had grown to more than 50 million, an increase of 15 million during the past decade. That represents a 43 percent jump since 2000.

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Immigrant Politics Harmful to the Republic's Health
By James R. Edwards Jr.
CIS Blog, March 28, 2011

Excerpt: We're now seeing develop immigration-provoked political mischief. Here comes the next round of adverse political effects caused by mass immigration.

An article in Saturday's Washington Post indicates that identity politics plus reapportionment plus redistricting equal an ugly power struggle coming to America. This imbroglio will disenfranchise native-born Americans and enable the identity politics of the Left that undermine America's 'out of many, one' ideal and heritage.

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As Mexicans Flee Violence, Many Come to the U.S.
By Jerry Kammer
CIS Blog, March 25, 2011

Excerpt: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano visited the Mexican border on Thursday, offering assurances that it remains open for business and that the murderous violence now commonplace among rival drug trafficking organizations has not crossed into the United States.

But tens of thousands of Mexicans terrorized by the violence and by threats from the traffickers are coming north, according to a report by the Geneva, Switzerland-based Internal Displacement Monitoring Center, which cites research by a Mexican organization.

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The Birth Tourism Industry Continues to Grow
By Jon Feere
CIS Blog, March 25, 2011

Excerpt: Citing building code violations, police and city inspectors in the city of San Gabriel — a Los Angeles suburb — recently closed three townhouses which had been converted to operate as a maternity center for birth tourists. According to city officials who spoke with the Chinese and Taiwanese temporary aliens, they traveled to the United States for the specific purpose of adding a U.S. passport-holder to their families. The effort had apparently become a lucrative business according to the observations of one neighbor who claims to have seen 'groups of women in the advanced stages of pregnancy taking walks in the neighborhood and a lot of cars in the middle of the night.' He explained, 'I knew something from the get-go was going on. There was a lot of coming and going.' Officials reportedly found 10 newborns and 12 immigrants inside the home.

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80 Miles North of the Arizona Border, The Drugs Keep Coming
By Janice Kephart
CIS Blog, March 25, 2011

Excerpt: New game camera footage obtained by time-stamped March 2, 2011, shows seven drug mules likely carrying about $50,000 worth of marijuana each, for a total of about $350,000 in street value.

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Immigration Court Overload
By Jerry Kammer
CIS Blog, March 25, 2011

Excerpt: The big story on last night's Univision newscasts was the census report that the Latino population has grown by 43 percent over the last decade and now totals 50 million.

While the demographic shift is big news across the country, Univision also covered a related story that has not received much play – the crushing workload of the nation's 270 immigration judges, whose courts are clogged with 350,000 cases per year.

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All in the Family
By Jessica Vaughan
CIS Blog, March 24, 2011

Excerpt: The release of new Census data based on the 2010 count has focused public attention on immigration's role in driving U.S. population growth. I recently completed a report on how our prioritization of family immigration guarantees this outcome.

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It's The Metrics, Stupid!
By W.D. Reasoner
CIS Blog, March 24, 2011

Excerpt: This just in from our You-Can-Have-Your-Cake-and-Eat-It-Too Department.

Very recently, the RAND Corporation examined border effectiveness metrics. The following nugget can be found in Chapter One of the report, entitled 'Measuring Illegal Border Crossing Between Ports of Entry: An Assessment of Four Promising Methods' . . .

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A Cloud No Larger than a Man's Hand at the Southern Border
By David North
CIS Blog, March 24, 2011

Excerpt: At the moment the cloud at the southern border is no larger than a man's hand, but it has prospects for seriously complicating the nation's immigration control programs.

Observers have long known that if there were a massive number of asylum applications by Mexican nationals, legal and illegal, the entire immigration apparatus would be seriously challenged, if not totally swamped.

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From the Halls of Montezuma
By Mark Krikorian
CIS Blog, March 23, 2011

Excerpt: '13 Illegal Immigrants Arrested in California Wearing U.S. Marine Uniforms'. Not only was their illegal entry into the U.S. a crime but impersonating a member of the armed forces is also a crime. But don't hold your breath for them to be prosecuted — U.S. Attorneys often don't bother to prosecute even re-entry after deportation, which is a felony, because they're just 'willing workers', don't you know.

Perhaps the only reason this group of illegals was stopped at all was that their uniforms all had the name 'Perez' on them. Fodder for a 'least competent criminals' entry at News of the Weird.

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Wonderland on the Mississippi
By James R. Edwards Jr.
CIS Blog, March 23, 2011

Excerpt: A recent panel event in St. Louis can only be described as bizarre and mean-spirited. Alice would have felt more at home in Wonderland than a regular American would when several ethnic ideologues and post-American elites convened to decry Missouri's and St. Louis's decline in the share of their populations comprised of foreigners.

A couple of immigrants' rights lawyers, a legal services lawyer, a former governor, and an internationalist advocate sought to reframe the immigration issue. They contrasted St. Louis's 1850 population, which they said was half immigrant, with today's less than 7 percent immigrants in the city population. They hardly noticed that this is up from 2.5 percent in 1970. Nor did they assent to any benefit from or desirability of unity, patriotism, or devotion to one's fellow countrymen. It was all 'diversity, good; unity, evil' to these people.

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As Obama Arrives, a Report on El Salvador
By Jerry Kammer
CIS Blog, March 22, 2011

Excerpt: The massive headline across the top of the front page of today's Prensa Grafica, published in San Salvador, reads 'OBAMA'. Just below comes the subhead, 'USA President arrives today', followed by a large photo of the president and a caption stating that the visit is expected to produce support both for social programs and for the fight against drug traffickers.

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E-Verify Yourself
By Mark Krikorian
CIS Blog, March 22, 2011

Excerpt: A new pilot program was launched Monday allowing people to run themselves through E-Verify and make sure the database has the correct information about them. For now, E-Verify Self-Check is available only to people in Arizona, Colorado, D.C., Idaho, Mississippi, and Virginia. If you live in one of those states, it's definitely worth doing (the whole thing, including confirmation of my identity, took me maybe two minutes). The most common error in the database I'm aware of is women who haven't informed Social Security of their married names — something you certainly want to fix now, not when you're 65.

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'You Can't Tell the Players Without a Scorecard!'
By David North
CIS Blog, March 21, 2011

Excerpt: That was the repeated call, if I remember correctly, of the guys selling scorecards at the big league ballparks of my youth.

What they offered was the crucial recording system that they said you really needed to understand the game.

Well, that's often my reaction to Immigration Daily, a publication written for immigration lawyers and other more-migration advocates.

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Sheriff Joe: Job Creator
By James R. Edwards Jr.
CIS Blog, March 21, 2011

Excerpt: Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona, whom the Obama administration has targeted with intimidation tactics to quash other local law enforcers' resolve, now has effectively become a job creator for Americans. A local TV news report from Phoenix followed up on what happened after the arrests of illegal alien workers that the sheriff made at a string of Pei Wei Asian Diners.

The local restaurants had employed many illegal aliens, including as dishwashers. Sheriff Joe investigated, got enough evidence, and swept in to arrest the foreign lawbreakers. After the arrests, the diners had to close until they could hire new legal workers. That's where the heart-tugging news report picks up . . .