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[FYI --
1. Birthright Citizenship for the Children of Visitors: A National Security Problem in the Making? (Backgrounder)
2. Immigrant Gains and Native Losses in the U.S. Job Market, 2000 to 2010 (Congressional Testimony)
3. Looking Carefully at the Proposed Immigrant Entrepreneur Bill (Blog)
4. Pushing the Envelope (Blog)
5. Prof. Matloff Busts 'Best and Brightest' Ballyhoo for H-1B Workers (Blog)
6. The Criminal Alien Constituency (Blog)
7. Salt Lake Chamber – Enemy of the Taxpayer and Utah Children (Blog)
8. Ariz. Sheriff Babeu and His (Not Federal) Immigration Task Force (Blog)
9. Attrition Works, Respected Think Tank Edition (Blog)
10. Going Really Green (Blog)
11. Secure Communities, Please (Blog)
12. Advocates for More Immigration Outline New Strategies (Blog)
13. ICE's Morton Envisions a 'Culture of Compliance' (Blog)
-- Mark Krikorian]
Birthright Citizenship for the Children of Visitors: A National Security Problem in the Making?
By W.D. Reasoner
CIS Backgrounder, March 2011
Excerpt: This Backgrounder examines the issue of births to short-term visitors. The author estimates that nearly 200,000 children are born here annually to foreign women admitted as visitors; that is, tourists, students, guestworkers, and other non-immigrant categories. There is a national security dimension to this issue, as illustrated by the case of one individual in this category: Anwar al Awlaki, the American-born cleric and spiritual advisor to terrorists.
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Immigrant Gains and Native Losses in the U.S. Job Market, 2000 to 2010
By Steven Camarota
Statement before the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims, March 10, 2011
Excerpt: Despite an abysmal jobs picture, Census Bureau data collected in 2010 show that the decade just completed may have been the highest for immigration in our nation’s history, with more than 13 million new immigrants (legal and illegal) arriving. What happened during the last decade in terms of employment of native-born Americans is astounding. Even though native-born Americans accounted for the overwhelming majority of growth in the adult working-age population (18 to 65), all of the net gain in employment went to immigrants. Something like that might not be too surprising over a short period like a quarter or even a year. But it is remarkable that over a 10-year period (2000 to 2010) all the net increase in jobs went to immigrants.
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Looking Carefully at the Proposed Immigrant Entrepreneur Bill
By David North
CIS Blog, March 21, 2011
Excerpt: While I am fond of Senators John Kerry (D-MA), Richard Lugar (R-IN), and Mark Udall (D-CO), all valuable members of the Senate, there is an air of unreality about the immigrant entrepreneur bill that they have introduced.
The twin premises behind the legislation, which I question, are that innovative potential immigrants who want to come to the U.S. are not coming because of the current laws, and that this legislative proposal will take care of that alleged problem . . .
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Pushing the Envelope
By James R. Edwards Jr.
CIS Blog, March 20, 2011
Excerpt: The Obama administration has been pushing the envelope recently in the culture wars. And this is bleeding over into immigration.
Now, the administration will grant the 'same-sex domestic partner' of a foreign diplomat a nonimmigrant visa as an accompanying 'immediate family member.' Not only may the unmarried 'domestic partner' of certain straight and gay aliens get a visa, but so may relatives of the domestic partner.
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Prof. Matloff Busts 'Best and Brightest' Ballyhoo for H-1B Workers
By David North
CIS Blog, March 18, 2011
Excerpt: Professor Norm Matloff (from the University of California at Davis) quietly demolished the industry-cultivated notion that because H-1B workers are the 'best and the brightest' more of them should be admitted to work in America's high-tech industries.
He did so this morning a few blocks from Capitol Hill, at the Georgetown University Law School building at a meeting sponsored by the GU Institute for the Study of International Migration . . .
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The Criminal Alien Constituency
By W.D. Reasoner
CIS Blog, March 18, 2011
Excerpt: I've been thinking about alien criminals. Specifically, I've been pondering with dismay a disturbing trend: it seems that they've begun to develop a constituency in this country. When and how did that start?
Although I don't remember falling asleep, I'm concerned that I may have had a Rip Van Winkle moment and awakened to a dystopic version of America in which personal responsibility no longer counts for anything, and the notion of consequences for bad acts doesn't apply.
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Salt Lake Chamber – Enemy of the Taxpayer and Utah Children
By Ronald W. Mortensen
CIS Blog, March 18, 2011
Excerpt: In 2006, the Salt Lake Chamber was designated by Americans for Tax Reform as an 'Enemy of the Taxpayer'.
'This is not a chamber that is looking after the interests of Salt Lake City, Utah and the business community,' said Grover Norquist, the ATR's president.
Since that time the chamber has worked hard to maintain the title bestowed upon it. In 2010, when the Utah economy was still struggling, the chamber recommended that the gas tax be increased by ten cents a gallon.
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Ariz. Sheriff Babeu and His (Not Federal) Immigration Task Force
By Janice Kephart
CIS Blog, March 17, 2011
Excerpt: Somewhere in the early hours of 2011, when hospitable temperatures conducive to drug and alien smuggling in Arizona had my hidden camera friends calling me and updating me on curious illegal activity going on in the desert, the mayors of three Arizona border towns – one on the western end of the state's border with Mexico, one in the middle, one in the east – decided that they were tired of their county to the north complaining about surging violence attributed to drug and alien smuggling. On February 9, 2011, the mayors of San Luis, Nogales, and Douglas sent a joint public letter to Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County. They complained about his campaign to report on the growing burden on Pinal County from illegal entry and ensuing violence that is not stopped at the border.
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Attrition Works, Respected Think Tank Edition
By Mark Krikorian
CIS Blog, March 16, 2011
Excerpt: The Public Policy Institute of California is about as respectably mainstream (i.e. liberal) as a think tank can get. Its board of advisors includes people from all the state's commanding heights: the teacher’s union and Disney, SEIU and Sun Microsystems, the Bank of America and the ACLU, Goldman, Sachs and the Natural Resources Defense Council. Its publications are routinely published in Spanish and on immigration its work has generally reflected the bien-pensant consensus that more is better.
Which is why its latest report is so arresting . . .
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Going Really Green
By Dominique Peridans
CIS Blog, March 15, 2011
Excerpt: Imagine a large, competitive landscaping company, in the United States, in 2011, with an entirely legal workforce. Such imaginings defy the stereotype. In fact, there is no need simply to imagine, for it is a reality.
The Greenery, a landscaping company located in Hilton Head, S.C., proudly boasts of having no illegal workers. Its president and CEO, Lee Edwards, was recently elected a Town Councilman (Ward 3), and during his campaign he spoke clearly of his opposition to illegal immigration. His political stance is one that he applies to the company founded by his family in 1973. His employee-owned company of over 400 workers (one of the largest employers in Beaufort County) is vigilant when it comes to the legality of its workforce: 'I've turned down plenty of people because their documents were suspect or didn't check out…Have we hired some illegal immigrants unknowingly? Possibly. But we followed the letter and spirit of the law.'
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Secure Communities, Please
By Jessica Vaughan
CIS Blog, March 14, 2011
Excerpt: There are approximately 2.1 million criminal aliens living in the United States, according to new figures from ICE's Secure Communities office. Of these, about 1.9 million are removable, and the remaining 200,000 are green card holders who committed lesser crimes allowing them to avoid removal.
According to ICE, each year about 900,000 aliens are criminally arrested. And, each year about 700,000 aliens are released from correctional custody (jail, prison, or probation). ICE estimates that there are more than 1.2 million criminal aliens who are at large in our communities.
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Advocates for More Immigration Outline New Strategies
By David North
CIS Blog, March 14, 2011
Excerpt: The ever-creative, nicely-funded advocates of more migration have announced a new set of strategies for federal action.
In a nutshell: if congressionally-enacted 'comprehensive immigration reform' is off the table for two years, their emphasis will be on narrow administration actions that can be implemented without congressional approval. Each of the actions will be focused on the rights of some groups of aliens – not numbers – and all of them in totality will encourage more migration directly or indirectly, though that is not mentioned.
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ICE's Morton Envisions a 'Culture of Compliance'
By Jerry Kammer
CIS Blog, March 14, 2011
Excerpt: John Morton, the director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, appeared on C-SPAN's 'Washington Journal' this morning. He offered this general outline for a credible program of worksite enforcement. Morton envisioned a cultural shift that would end the workplace charade that for the past 25 years has made a mockery of the 1986 law that, for the first time, made it illegal to hire illegal immigrants. Said Morton . . .