Sunday, October 03, 2004

Would They Ask Such Things Of Samuel Pepys?

A friend writes: You don’t need such boring details in a book about YOU. You can just leave it at the fact that you have [a friend]!

seriously luke please leave me out of your book out except for non specific references to... Also I think it would be very considerate of you to just refer to your .... as ‘my .....’ – it doesn’t add anything to your story to identify him by name or go into his autobiographical details. Otherwise you book will be seized upon by .....’s enemies and be used against him. We are all such tiny little fish in the scheme of things it seems quite funny to be going to print at all - raises the question ‘why’? What would you think if you learned I was writing a book about my life? My life has been very interesting for me but I doubt it would interest others except for the wrong reasons. Is it a symptom of narcissism? If so, should it be resisted rather than indulged? Is it the best use of time and energy?