I discuss the parsha with Rabbi Rabbs Mondays at 7pm PST on my live cam.
I put together these challenges for Rabbi Rabbs:
Parashat Miketz (Genesis 41:1-44:17):
* Gen. 42:1. “Live and not die.” In ancient Hebrew thought, severe poverty is like death. Nothing in Judaism says poverty is good. That’s a Christian perspective.
* Jacob tells his sons in Gen. 42:1: “Why do make yourselves conspicuous?”
AS: “Jacob’s rhetorical question has been the theme of many leaders who exhorted their fellow Jews not to flaunt their wealth and success to envious and often anti-Semitic neighbors. Whatever food Jacob’s family had was honestly acquired, but even honest resources should be displayed judiciously.”
Is this why Rabbs lives in poverty? So the goyim won’t get envious?
* Why didn’t Joseph get in touch with Jacob and let him know he was OK? Why did he name his first son for making him forget his childhood?
* Gen. 42:7. Why is Joseph so rough on his brothers? According to one Christian commentary, it is part of the Jewish penchant for vengeance (as opposed to Christian charity).