Contempt is the most dangerous quality in a relationship. Once it takes over, it is very difficult to undo.
I love tough chicks. I love strong women. But I don't like contempt.
Some women just have a quality about them that I adore and I only want to treat them good. Other women are pathetic and I end up bullying them.
I don't like that part of myself.
When it comes to your relationships with men, which of the following do you find yourself saying? (Check the ones that apply to you.)
"Why didn't he call?"
"How can I find the right man?
"Why do I always date losers?
"Why doesn't he love me anymore?
"What am I doing wrong?
"Why do some women have great relationships with men -- and mine are always dull, unfulfilling and boring?
"If only I could understand men...."
If you checked one or more of the above, then the following article may be the most eye-opening one you'll ever read.
The important thing to remember is that you're not alone. Most women -- whether single or married -- have asked themselves these kinds of questions. In my 16 years of relationship counseling, I've found that the reason women have these concerns is because they simply don't understand men.
Did you know ... that you as a woman, by virtue of your femininity, have in your hands the delicious power to make a man fall in love with you, influence a man to your way of thinking, bring him to his knees, make him want to spend his life with you -- and want to fulfill your every desire?
Yes, it's true! And the best part is that you can do it easily and effortlessly by being yourself -- and NOT shaping yourself into someone you're not just to keep your man interested. I'll give you solid proof of this in a moment.
When you read this article in its entirety, you'll discover how to tap into the power that resides within you -- whether you want to revolutionize your dating life, get married or spark the fire within your marriage.
"When I found myself single again after being divorced in 1999, I dove into a series of relationships with men that started out strong, but eventually fizzled out. I didn't know what I was doing wrong. I've read dozens of relationship books, but The Woman Men Adore...and Never Want to Leave is the first one that really made me understand men -- and use that understanding to create and sustain a loving relationship, and become a woman that a man loves, cherishes, and never want to part with. I only wish I had known about Bob's proven method years ago. I could have had less heartaches and more fulfilling and enduring relationships. And I might have saved my marriage as well. This book is mandatory reading for all women!" -- Maria V., Beverly Hills, California |
My name is Bob Grant. I've been a Licensed Professional Counselor, therapist, and relationship coach for 16 years. The majority of my clients are women, who have sought my help in creating successful, satisfying, and fulfilling love relationships by simply understanding men.
More than the certificates and licenses I've accumulated over the years, I take most pride in the number of wedding invitations I receive from my clients who've found wonderful relationships as a result of my advice. I've also saved dozens of marriages from disaster, dissolution -- or just plain boredom.
That's why I'm called "The Relationship Doctor." I have the prescription for finding love, keeping passion alive, and reigniting relationships that have lost their spark.
The method I'm about to reveal to you is not based on theory, guesswork or the "psycho-babble" that's disseminated by pop psychologists, self-help books and women's magazines. Unlike other resources that claim to help you understand men, my strategy is based on real-life feedback from thousands of real-life women who tried my method and found that it produced a dramatic difference in their relationships with men.
Now, you can find out what my method can do for you.
Click Here!