Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bnai Akiva LA Week Of Heroism

Bnei Akiva of Los Angeles was proud to celebrate its annual week of Heroism this past week, which included three big events.

This year's honored guests from Israel were Israel's Vice Prime Minister and former IDF Chief of staff Moshe (Bogie) Ya'alon and Colonel Yelon Farhi.

The first event was a community wide event attended by over 400 geusts. The program included four main speakers (by speaking order):

Consul General Yaakov Dayan, Bnei akiva Shaliach Shlomo Mirvis, Minister Moshe Ya'alon and Colonel Yelon Farhi.

Minister Moshe Ya'alon spoke about the challenges facing the state of Israel today and the true meaning of Heroism, as something in the spirit compared to something physical.

Colonel Yelon Farhi spoke about the unique bravery of our generation. He also spoke about the DE legitimization efforts against the IDF and the
State of Israel.

During the event we played a movie about Bnei Akiva, which included three special brave people from our community: Doni Kandel, who was a Rosh Snif and made Aliyah, Ari Platt and Daniel Rubin who left their homes and are serving now as combat soldiers in the IDF.

Also spoke in the movie Rabbi Abraham Cooper , the associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Roz Rothstein the founder and international director of "Stand with us".

The last event took place in the Valley for the Israeli community living there.

Our second event was an event for the youth, where over 700 high school students heard the lectures of Israel's Vice Prime Minister, and Colonel Yelon Farhi.

The focus in this event was about the important role of our youth dealing with the challenges facing the Jewish community and the state of Israel.

Thank you!

Bnei Akiva is very thankful and appreciative to the following Rabbi's:

Rabbi Muskin- Young Israel of Century City, Rabbi Topp - Beth Jacob, Rabbi Kanefsky- Bnai David, Rabbi Kalinsky - Young Israel of Beverly Hils and Rabbi Korobkin from Yavne.

for all your help and support allowing this event to be so successful.

We are also very thankful to our parent committee who were so involved and helpful and who worked many hours to allow this event happen:

Mark Rosenbaum, Jamie & Rena Frankel, Steve Berger, Sharon Merkin, Marelene Shaechter, Michael & Tina Loboda, Yigal & Yaara Newman, Julie fax, Brian Nissel, Bernie Melamed and Vivian Lurie.

We also thank Bnai David for kindly hosting the high school student's event, and the Hadad family for hosting the event in the Valley. A speciel thank you also to Lorry Ritz for all his efforts to make this event happen.

We cant finish without a big thank you to our community Bat Ami girls for all their efforts and help!