Thursday, July 01, 2010

Married People Talk Differently

Luke Ford writes:

I could not put down this new book from author Lori Gottlieb.

I read it straight through Shabbos afternoon.

What made it particularly appealing is revenge.

As a guy, I have to go through life making the first move on a girl, asking a girl out, leaning in to kiss her for the first time, and then trying to develop a relationship.

This becomes wearing. Rejection wears one down. I’ve dated at least two dozen women in my life who I would’ve married, but none of them wanted to marry me.

Now I see some of them and they’ve hit the wall. They’re not married. They’re not cute. They’re bitter. And I’m glad. I’m glad to see the destruction of the haughty. I’m glad to see the humbling of all these chicks who thought they were so much better than me.

I’m 44. I have more choices now than ever. I date 18-year olds. I date 40-year olds. The world is my oyster.

Vengeance is mine, says the Count of Pico-Robertson.