Sunday, July 11, 2010

How Do People React To You?

Luke Ford writes:

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “I’ve had this terrible sciatica recur. It’s very bad right now. It’s where you have a disc from your spine bulging out and touching nerves, the sciatic nerve goes down the back of your leg to your ankle. There’s nothing you can do about the pain because nerves are nerves. I’ll probably end up with surgery. It’s a routine surgery. Don’t send me all the solutions. I’ve tried most of them and they worked for most of the time but now it is too much of a disc bulge, it is nine millimeters. It’s huge.

“I should be rolling across airports. When I went to Denver this past weekend to speak with Sarah Palin and Hugh Hewitt, I was wheeled around in a wheelchair. I could walk but not far. It was too painful.

“I was in a wheelchair and I had never been in a wheelchair before. It’s a different way of looking at the world.

“When you encounter someone in a wheelchair in an elevator, who’s the one to break the ice?