Monday, July 25, 2011

Intimacy Vs. Eroticized Rage

Luke Ford writes: After he described his love life, his therapist asked, “Have you heard of the term eroticized rage?”

“No,” he said, “but that rings true. I had a girlfriend, Holly, who said to me, ‘Take out all your rage at women on me in bed.’”

Therapist: “The term relates to sexual intercourse but also how about you treat women. How you get them into bed. How you manipulate. It doesn’t have to be a reaction to the mother figure but it most often is. Men who are sexually compulsive, use women and throw them away, often felt squashed by their mothers. They felt powerless.”

He went home and Googled the term and found this:

In 1975, Robert Stoller described perversion as the “erotic form of hatred.” At the core, he observed sexual behavior that breaks the rules.