Luke Ford writes: Almost all of the callers said they abstained from pre-marital sex and that it was good for their marriage.
They all sounded religious. They all sounded programmed by their religion.
I’ve never heard of secular people in the modern world abstaining from pre-marital sex. I think you have to buy into a belief in God and in the divinity and eternality of the Bible to be able to wait until marriage for sex (unless there’s something wrong with you).
I’ve never heard of a sex life getting better. I’ve never heard of a couple struggling with their sex life and then it gets better.
In my experience, if sex sucks at the beginning of the relationship, it never gets better.
Dennis Prager advocates waiting for marriage before you have sexual intercourse.
Dennis said he’s heard from several women that they had wished they had known prior to marriage that their husband was asexual, that he was using religion as an excuse to avoid sex before marriage.