Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jews & Gun Ownership

Luke Ford writes:

Dennis: “Why would Jews be against gun ownership after the Holocaust? If every Jewish family in Europe had one gun, the Holocaust would not have occurred in the same numbers… The handful of revolvers and molotov cocktails homemade in the Warsaw Ghetto took so many Nazi lives, I’m not sure the German army would’ve put up with this. Hey, we have to win a war. That’s more important than gathering the Cohen family for the gas chamber.

“The Jewish mind has been addled by the amount of hatred and evil inflicted on Jews. The Jewish people isn’t well.”

“The most successful Jew is worried that something will happen tomorrow to him. There is no Jew that doesn’t walk around like that.”

“When Jews are with a non-Jew for a period of time, they start thinking, would this Gentile save my life?”

“Many Jews have Stockholm Syndrome. They identify with their persecutors. They feel that if they crap on Jews enough, the non-Jew who hates Jews will love them.”