Friday, September 17, 2010

Alexander Technique Tranquility

Luke Ford writes:

I have Shabbos lunch with friends. I’ve known them for about a decade but haven’t been to their home in a year.

They’re used to me ruining their meals with inappropriate remarks but today I’m tranquil. They want to know why.

“Two years of Alexander Technique,” I say. “I used to be easily triggered. I was stuck in startle response and when I’d get a stimuli, I’d go into fight or flight. My habitual reactions didn’t serve me well. I could shut up with great effort or I could interact from a disturbed place. Those were my choices. Because my head-neck relationship was disturbed, my whole self was disturbed. Now I’ve found freedom and poise.”

When I was a kid, people said I looked like a Holocaust survivor. I was that depressed.

I’ve been a bit off since then in the way I relate to myself and to others.

Even after years of therapy, I was still making inappropriate remarks on a regular basis.

Even after decades of God and Torah, I was still a shmuck.

I was locked and loaded in my body, just a power keg waiting to go off.