Monday, February 22, 2010

The Fall Of Fibromyalgia Patients

Donna Burstyn says:

I call this ‘The Fall’ because there are no treatments to really help us.

I’m so tired of hurting everywhere. I’m so tired of explaining that the pain isn’t localized. It is everywhere.

When people ask me, how can the pain be everywhere? I don’t know to explain that it can hurt at my shoulder and it can hurt at my knee at the same time. It feels like a spiderweb, a series of dots, pieces of calcified fiber, and to move my arms and legs, I have to break them, I have to break through these dots, these little balls, and every time I do that, it hurts.

To repair itself, the body makes more of these dots, these calcified balls, and we go on this circle over and over. I keep breaking down these balls and I keep breaking through the pain, and then my body rebuilds it trying to do me a favor.

It’s difficult to find the strength each time to bounce back.

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