Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Who Is Human Abedin? She's Former Hillary Clinton Bodywoman Now Married To Congressman Anthony Weiner

Here are pictures of Hillary's personal assistant Huma Abedin. Huma Abedin. Huma Abedin. Huma Abedin. Huma Abedin. Huma Abedin. Huma Abedin. Huma Abedin. Huma Abedin. Huma Abedin. Huma Abedin. Huma Abedin.
Mickey Kaus writes Oct. 30, 2007:
Do you sense there is some large mass of dark matter, an unseen Scandal Star, the gravitational pull of which is warping the coverage of what seems, on the surface, a pretty dull presidential race? I do. So does Ron Rosenbaum. I thought the Dark Star was the Edwards affair allegation. But Rosenbaum says "everyone in the elite Mainstream media" knows about another juicy scandal that the LAT is supposedly sitting on. I guess this is proof that I'm not in the elite, because I don't know what he's talking about. ... My vestigial Limbaugh gland tells me it must involve a Democrat, or else the Times would have found a reason to print it. ... P.S.: If it's just Richardson, that will be very disappointing.
I'm placing my money on the lesbian-Hillary angle.
If you examine the candidates connected by the gossip columnists to current sex scandals, Hillary leads the way with her Huma connection (and Bill with his connections).
Within a couple of hours of reading Mickey Kaus's report above, I blitzed more than 30 sources (most of them journalists) for what they know about this matter. None of them could identify the purported LA Times story.
My dialogue with my sources left me with no doubt Tuesday night (Oct. 30) that Hillary's made passes at women and that Muslim Huma Abedin is Hillary's most likely source of romantic and sexual love.
Michelle Cottle writes in the Aug. 13, 2007 New York magazine: "Huma Abedin, Hillary's beautiful, enigmatic "body person," spends nearly every waking minute with Hillary and so has the best sense of her daily rhythms and routines."