Friday, May 20, 2011

Does CFS Have A Psychological Component?

From the Jewish Journal doctor blog:

But what I find interesting and perhaps counterproductive is the reaction of many patients. The Wall Street Journal Health Blog has been closely following this story (see the links below) and the comments from patients on their posts are quite sobering. If I had a chronic debilitating illness which has no consistently effective treatment and a study showed a modest improvement from CBT and GET, I would be knocking at the door of the nearest CBT psychologist and calling a personal trainer. And I would be pretty happy that a study finally had a positive result. Instead, patient advocacy groups and many individual patients are quite upset. They assert that CFS is caused by a virus and they reject the study findings which they think suggests that CFS is a psychological condition. This is despite the fact that the authors of the study explicitly state that “the effectiveness of behavioural treatments does not imply that the condition is psychological in nature.”
I have two reactions to this criticism from patients. The first is, why have an agenda about something under investigation? Why prefer that your disease is caused by a virus than by anything else? It either is caused by a virus or isn’t and our strongest desires can’t change the actual disease. In ten years we may find conclusive evidence that it is caused by a virus, or that it’s an auto-immune disease, or that it has genetic predispositions or that it’s a psychiatric condition. But until we know, why have a preference? This seems to me like having a strong wish about the orbit of Jupiter. I understand the patients’ desperation for an effective treatment, but the way to get there is to let the researchers seek the truth in an unbiased way, not to tell them what you expect them to find.
My second thought is, why the automatic rejection that CFS may have a psychological component? Again, if I were a patient, I would just want honest answers. If it turned out that my illness was psychological, knowing this would certainly help me focus on the right treatments more than pretending the opposite. Obviously, there is a stigma around psychiatric illness, but that stigma is wrong and should be fought against. People with bipolar disorder, for example, don’t choose their illness and can’t “snap out of it” through an act of will any more than people with pneumonia or diabetes. So I think it would be more constructive for CFS patient advocates to say something like “We don’t know what causes CFS, and whether or not it turns out to be a psychological disease, we didn’t choose it. We deserve compassion and treatment just as much as those suffering from other illnesses.” Denying that CFS could have a mental component only exacerbates the social stigma against psychiatric illness.
CFS patients deserve understanding and treatment regardless of the cause of their illness. The first step should be a willingness to investigate this mysterious condition without preconceptions.
Learn more:
New York Times article (in February): Psychotherapy Eases Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Study Finds
Wall Street Journal Health Blog post (in February): This Study on Chronic-Fatigue Syndrome Has Nothing to Do With XMRV
Wall Street Journal Health Blog post (this week): Study Blowback Shows Controversy Over Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Tangential Miscellany
The Centers for Disease Control is clearly following my lead. This week it has finally alerted the public to a threat I’ve been warning readers about for years – the inevitable zombie apocalypse.