Monday, April 04, 2011

Immigration News

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[FYI --

1. Taking Names: List of Firms Barred from Foreign Worker Programs Likely Just Scratches the Surface (Memorandum)
2. Illegal Immigration Profiteers (Blog)
3. House Holds Different Kind of H-1B Hearing – No Employers Present! (Blog)
4. Bernie Sanders and Immigration Reform (Blog)
5. Verified SBInet Success in Much-Vilified Tucson Sector (Blog)
6. Telemundo's Solid Journalism (Blog)
7. Restore Our Border (Blog)

-- Mark Krikorian]

Taking Names: List of Firms Barred from Foreign Worker Programs Likely Just Scratches the Surface
By David North
CIS Memorandum, April 2011

Excerpt: While there are large numbers of employers participating in the various foreign-worker programs run by the U.S. Department of Labor, all starting with the visa letter H, DoL rarely finds one of them violating the rules seriously enough to even temporarily suspend their participation. We have, using various federal sources, compiled an annotated list of the misbehaving companies that have been debarred by DoL: in many cases the nature of the abuse is both fascinating and depressing.

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Illegal Immigration Profiteers
By Ronald W. Mortensen
CIS Blog, April 4, 2011

Excerpt: When employers exert their power and influence to safeguard their access to an unlimited supply of illegal alien labor, they put profits ahead of principle and sacrifice millions of American children to identity theft. These employers are like war profiteers who put profits ahead of the interests of their nation and its people.

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House Holds Different Kind of H-1B Hearing – No Employers Present!
By David North
CIS Blog, March 31, 2011

Excerpt: The House of Representatives Immigration Subcommittee held a different kind of H-1B hearing this morning – no employers were speaking and no one asked to increase the various ceilings on new admissions.

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Bernie Sanders and Immigration Reform
By Jerry Kammer
CIS Blog, March 31, 2011

Excerpt: It seems to me that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders contradicted himself on immigration reform during his appearance on today's Diane Rehm Show.

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Verified SBInet Success in Much-Vilified Tucson Sector
By Janice Kephart
CIS Blog, March 31, 2011

Excerpt: Border technologies such as the now-canceled Secure Border Initiative (SBInet) work. From the Tucson Border Patrol comes this . . .

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Telemundo's Solid Journalism
By Jerry Kammer
CIS Blog, March 29, 2011

Excerpt: Yesterday in this space, I expressed admiration for Telemundo's coverage last Friday of the census report on the explosive growth of the Latino population.

Today I want to look at a sidebar in that same Telemundo newscast. It was introduced by anchorman Jose Diaz-Balart, who said, 'One of the ways to strengthen our community is education. In a country where the white and Afro-American population is aging, Hispanic youth could represent hope.'

The centerpiece of the story was analysis by Salvadoran-American journalist Carlos Rajo, an analyst for Telemundo.

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Restore Our Border
By Mark Krikorian
CIS Blog, March 28, 2011

It was a year ago yesterday that Arizona rancher Robert Krentz was murdered by an illegal border-crosser. Over at National Review Online today, I outline the border-enforcement blueprint put together by his fellow ranchers, for whom the security of our frontier with Mexico is a life-or-death issue. When you see the long list of things we should be doing but aren't, you’ve got to wonder why we're worried about the border between Qaddafi’s forces and the Islamist rebels more than the integrity of our own national territory.