Friday, November 12, 2010

R. Rabbs, Luke Ford On Vayetzei II

Luke Ford writes:

This week’s Torah portion.

* Gen. 29:21 AS: “Jacob’s expression and I will consort with her would have been vulgar in a lesser person. Jacob’s only intent was that he was already eighty-four years old and he had to begin his mission of bringing the twelve tribes into the world. His concern was to serve God, not physical pleasure. (Rashi)”

I wonder if I could get away with such a line?

* Gen. 30:38 AS: “When husband and wife unite, they must purge their minds of all impure thoughts and every element which is foreign or which concerns third parties. The degree of their moral and spiritual purity will affect the souls of their children.”

* Have you tried to make a deal with God just a Jacob does? Do you expect God to do anything for you in exchange for keeping the commandments?

* Do you regard Jewish law as more of a gift or a burden?

* Why didn’t Jacob realize he’d spent the night with Leah, not Rachel?