Friday, November 19, 2010

The Ravishing Of Dina

Luke Ford writes:

This week’s Torah portion is Parashat Vayishlach (Genesis 32:4-36:43). I discuss it with Rabbi Rabbs.

* Artscroll (AS): Jacob did not rely on his own righteousness, but strove to ensure his safety through practical measures.

* Doing the right thing (Jacob following his mother’s instructions etc) usually makes your life simpler, but not always. I’ve learned through blogging that you can write the right thing, but if you hurt someone, even if done fairly, you will still pay a commensurate price.

* The measures Jacob take show that he thinks that Esau cares primarily about material things.

* The Torah thinks it is OK to flatter people and to buy them off?

* I’ve often wrestling with people, not knowing who they were, and was as desperate as Jacob, “Please tell me your name!” (Gen. 32:30)

* Who is Satan? What kind of power does he have?