Thursday, March 11, 2010

Finding An Orthodox Wife

Luke Ford says:

LA is weird. Almost all Orthodox high school graduates who are serious about their religion leave town (because there are no full-time learning opportunities in Los Angeles for the unmarried Modern Orthodox).

There are far more male singles in Southern California than female singles (while New York has the opposite ratio). Orthodox guys in LA often fly to New York for shiduchim (finding a spouse).

If you’re not learning at least an hour a day with texts in their original language, you’re a pretend Orthodox Jew. Los Angeles is filled with these. If you’re an Orthodox guy and you’re not married by the time you’re 30, you’re probably using porn, chasing strippers, ordering hookers, bedding down shiksas and complaining you can’t find a religious girl while you daven in Orthodox shuls.

West Coast religion is considerably more watered-down than its Mid-West and East-Coast relatives. It’s more a uniform that you put on and take off when convenient.

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